
Ooh ooh ooh I did a twisty Ooh ooh ooh A tiny twisty Twist him up, Twist him down Twist him all around like the cobra Dancing to the music of the pipe The pipe, the pipe, the pipe of life


@темы: херня, бред

08.12.2010 в 15:44

Хехехе :gigi:
у него там ещё кошачья голова монструозная.

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08.12.2010 в 15:45

Ooh ooh ooh I did a twisty Ooh ooh ooh A tiny twisty Twist him up, Twist him down Twist him all around like the cobra Dancing to the music of the pipe The pipe, the pipe, the pipe of life
e-Dark Да, я уже успела ужастнуться, пока рыбную лавку эту искала :gigi:

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