Ooh ooh ooh I did a twisty Ooh ooh ooh A tiny twisty Twist him up, Twist him down Twist him all around like the cobra Dancing to the music of the pipe The pipe, the pipe, the pipe of life
04.05.2012 в 00:39
Пишет Елисавета_Кэрролл:Happy Birthday, Julian!
Julian Barratt Pettifer
— born on 4 May 1968 in Leeds—
" The Man. The Myth. The Maverick. "
Jazz preacher for 44 years

" Coming atcha like a beam, like a ray, like a laser, don’t try and stop me I’m quick. Like lightning. I’m frightening. Oowww! Chika-chika!Yeah? "
P.S. Делимся вариантами проведения праздника, посвящённого данному событию)
URL записиJulian Barratt Pettifer
— born on 4 May 1968 in Leeds—
" The Man. The Myth. The Maverick. "
Jazz preacher for 44 years

" Coming atcha like a beam, like a ray, like a laser, don’t try and stop me I’m quick. Like lightning. I’m frightening. Oowww! Chika-chika!Yeah? "
P.S. Делимся вариантами проведения праздника, посвящённого данному событию)

Oh sweet lady.
With your face like a cream oval.
Your nose. Like a delicious slope of cream.
Your ears like, cream flaps.
Your teeth. Like hard, shiny pegs of cream.